Prof. Li-Ming Zhang

Prof. Liming Zhang (张黎明)


Professor, Department of Chemistry at Fudan University, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials (Affiliated), Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM) (Affiliated)

Prof. Zhang received her BS in Chemistry from Shandong University (2007), and her PhD in Chemistry and Molecular Engineering from Peking University(2012). During the postdoctoral research, she worked at UC Berkeley (2012-2014) and at Stanford (2014-2017). She was elected the "National Thousand Talents Plan for Young Scholars" award, and joined Fudan in 2017 as a principal investigator.


The SEE Lab devotes to the fundamental research on (photo)electrocatalysis at interface, with an emphasis on the development of model catalysts and operando techniques to understand the nature of (photo)electrocatalysis, including structural dynamics and charge transfer. The core of our research philosophy is exploring the structure-function correlation of (photo)electrocatalysts to address the cutting-edge energy conversion challenges. To achieve this, we have established different categories of model (photo)electrocatalysts including single-nuclear, single-crystal and nanocrystal catalysts, and explored the structure-activity relationship at atomic and molecular levels. we intend to establish a quantitative correlation between the structure and catalytic performance, and bridge the existing “material gap” between surface science and relevant application.


Join us !

Undergraduate students, graduate students, postdocs, and research assistants with chemistry, physics and materials science background are welcome to join the group. Please contact Prof. Liming Zhang directly by email at